'Tis the Season for Self

'Tis the Season for Self

This month's theme is all about "The Infinite Possibilities of You." ✨ It's not just about what you can achieve but also about the amazing journey of discovering who you truly are. There's no problem too big that it can't become an opportunity for personal growth, finding inner peace, and experiencing the pure joy of living. 🌱🌟 #InfinitePossibilities  #OneDegreetoVictory
The holiday season can be a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when we experience the absence of loved ones or encounter family and personal conflicts. It may seem tempting to dwell on what's missing, yearn for more, or wish for a different reality. But what if the key to stabilizing these emotional rollercoasters lies in a different approach? A path less obvious yet profoundly impactful. It's about shifting our focus, redirecting our energy, and embracing a mindset of gratitude and self-prioritization.
In this bonus episode, join your hostess-with-the-mostess, Nelieta Hollis, as I shed light on the following:
  • overcoming holiday blues
  • the  power of putting oneself first and
  • the transformative nature of expressing gratitude
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Merry Christmas🎄 Beautiful Souls 💫 and Happy New Year 🥂

Marvels Within

Marvels Within
As we go about our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the wonders that surround us. We search for beauty and amazement in the world but fail to realize that the most incredible marvels are right within ourselves. Take a moment to ponder the intricacy of your own body. It is a living testament to the amazing works of God. Every cell, every organ, every system working harmoniously together - is a masterpiece.

Our heart beats tirelessly, pumping life-giving blood throughout our body. Our brain, a complex network of neurons, stores a lifetime of memories and thoughts. Our senses allow us to experience the world in all its beauty and wonder. But it's not just the physical marvels that make us truly remarkable. Deep within our souls, we hold the capacity to understand and appreciate these wonders. When we have a relationship with the Lord, our eyes are opened to the incredible nature of God's work, the intricacies of our being, and the magnificent design that surrounds us. Consider this: if we are so wonderfully made even before we are born, then what can we say about the Lord's guidance throughout our lives? With God's guiding hand, we have the power to achieve greatness and accomplish extraordinary things. May we never lose sight of the miracles that reside within.

Consider who you are, all that you have accomplished, and all that you aspire to achieve. Reflect on your journey and take heart, for you were made to be fruitful and to conquer. This is not the season for giving up but for getting up. What you see is not all that you are; we are made of particles in the universe unseen by the naked eye, all that has been before us, all that is, and all that will be. So right now today BeWonderful(!), for that is how you were made.

I Chose to Live Life Well, and it has Made All the Difference!

I Chose to Live Life Well, and it has Made All the Difference!
Sitting at the I-10 E checkpoint West of Van Horn, TX, was not the time to die, but death had been trying to convince me otherwise, tempting me with images of a lifeless body in a casket free from worries and the pain of this recent life-quake. Other times, I’d see myself as a beggar woman peddling in a foreign land, and then I’d see my kids and their hurt and pain. But on this day, I heard the Spirit of Life clearly say, “Freedom from your pain leaves others a life of sorrow, but there is another option - to live a life of possibilities.” This is the introduction to Part II - the story of Nelieta Thompson-Hollis.
It’s a rare blessing to have the strength and determination to reach out to God and cling to Him with all the might and very fiber that is Life. I’m profoundly thankful for the countless opportunities and experiences that have come my way, shaping me into the person I am today. Life is a precious gift filled with countless experiences, whether joyful or challenging, that shape who we are and are to become. I sit before you, grateful for the gift of a Life that is full of Faith, a Spirit willing to receive, and an open heart and curious mind ready to explore. Life for me has become an adventure full of endless possibilities, a journey that offers new experiences, relationships, and discoveries.
Here’s to Living Life and Living it Well. 🥂 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂

In Adversity Choose Joy Intentionally

In Adversity Choose Joy Intentionally
In difficult times, choose gratitude. In the book of Nehemiah, there is a passage that describes people celebrating with joy and gratitude after hearing some unsettling life-changing words. We, too, can find gratitude in adversity by shifting our perspective and focusing on blessings rather than challenges. Take a moment each day to practice mindfulness, keep a gratitude journal, express gratitude to others, and seek lessons in adversity. Gratitude is about finding moments of joy and celebration, even amid difficulty. This holiday season and beyond, let's be joyful and grateful, regardless of our circumstances.
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