7 Steps for Shedding What No Longer Serves: Embracing the New You

7 Steps for Shedding What No Longer Serves: Embracing the New You
Life's toughest knock-downs may send you into hiding, but remember, there's a YOU that's ready to bounce back. I've walked this path, tried to erase my own presence, but the NEW YOU has other plans. There's no going back to the old ways of thinking, the familiar patterns that once held comfort. Life has a way of moving us forward, and our task is to welcome the journey. So wave goodbye to the old, and open your arms to the NEW. It's time to grow, to explore, to find your JOY.
Here are seven tips to support the emergence of your TRUE, authentic SELF, as you embark on a new chapter.

  1. Turn Off the TV and Engage Yoursel
    In the thick of change, it's easy to lose yourself in a world of screens. But here's a thought: Switch OFF the distractions and dive INTO you. Write, cook, walk, breathe! This is YOUR moment, uninterrupted. It's the perfect time to reflect, to dissect where you ARE and where you WANT to be. It's a journey of SELF-DISCOVERY, and it's all about growth. So, engage with YOU. You might be surprised at the clarity that comes with it. Change and growth? They're in your hands.

  2. Experiment with Something New in the Kitchen 
    Dive INTO a culinary adventure! How about Indian cuisine? I've ventured there, and it's more than just a change of pace; it's a FLAVOUR EXPLOSION! Cooking is a journey of discovery and an invitation to step beyond the familiar. It's not just about the food; it's about embracing CHANGE and savoring the deliciousness of NEW EXPERIENCES. So, what are you waiting for? Fire up those burners, and let's get COOKING!

  3. Learn a New Skill (Even if It’s Just a Curious Thought) 
    Ever had that "What if...?" moment? That might just be the SPARK you need to ignite your new passion. Maybe it's clicking that camera shutter, nailing that yoga pose, or captivating a crowd with your words. Whatever tickles your curiosity, don't let it fade into the background. Chase it, no matter how tiny or unsure it may seem. Embracing the unknown is a powerful tool for personal GROWTH, boosting your confidence and propelling you towards even greater heights.

  4. Attend a Free Networking Event 
    Take a CHANCE to GROW and CONNECT! You, yes, YOU, can step into a sea of fresh ideas and opportunities at FREE networking events! It might seem daunting, but remember, YOU'RE NOT ALONE in this journey. Unleash your potential and OPEN DOORS you never knew existed. Dive in and meet others who are riding their own waves of change. This is YOUR MOMENT. Grab it!

  5. Try Journaling About Who You Want to Become 
    Transform your thoughts into something tangible. Grab a journal, and let's create YOUR future self. Picture this: What values are you living by? What habits have you nurtured? What goals are you smashing? This isn't about squeezing into a mold but about embracing the NEW YOU that's emerging as you leave the past behind. Use journaling to make this journey REAL. Let it guide you; let it inspire you. This is YOUR journey. Own it.

  6. Do Something Physical, Recreational, and Fun with Family 
    Get out there and MOVE with the ones you LOVE! The NEW YOU want to embark on outdoor adventures that bond, heal, and energize. What about a leisurely walk around the block, a family picnic at the park, or a trip to the nearby lake? These are moments of CONNECTION and JOY, the building blocks of precious MEMORIES. Step outside and let life FLOW through you as you journey together into the NEW.

  7. Declutter Your Physical Space 
    Reimagine YOUR space, reimagine YOUR mind. Ever noticed how a messy room mirrors a messy mind? It's time for a fresh start. Out with the old, in with the new! Toss or donate the things that aren't serving YOU anymore. Just like you're doing with worn-out habits and thoughts. Let's get cleaning and organizing to bring back that sense of control. Feel the weight lift as you step into a decluttered space. A clean slate for a clear mind. Embrace this opportunity to FOCUS on what truly matters. Welcome to the NEW you.

This isn't about turning your world upside down in a day—it's about trying on new ways of being that fit the person you're becoming. Shed what's holding you back like an old, worn-out coat. Give yourself the permission to play, to try new things, to lean into your growth. The NEW YOU is ready to be unveiled. Time to step into the spotlight of your life with CONFIDENCE and clarity.