I Chose to Live Life Well, and it has Made All the Difference!
Sitting at the I-10 E checkpoint West of Van Horn, TX, was not the time to die, but death had been trying to convince me otherwise, tempting me with images of a lifeless body in a casket free from worries and the pain of this recent life-quake. Other times, I’d see myself as a beggar woman peddling in a foreign land, and then I’d see my kids and their hurt and pain. But on this day, I heard the Spirit of Life clearly say, “Freedom from your pain leaves others a life of sorrow, but there is another option - to live a life of possibilities.” This is the introduction to Part II - the story of Nelieta Thompson-Hollis.
It’s a rare blessing to have the strength and determination to reach out to God and cling to Him with all the might and very fiber that is Life. I’m profoundly thankful for the countless opportunities and experiences that have come my way, shaping me into the person I am today. Life is a precious gift filled with countless experiences, whether joyful or challenging, that shape who we are and are to become. I sit before you, grateful for the gift of a Life that is full of Faith, a Spirit willing to receive, and an open heart and curious mind ready to explore. Life for me has become an adventure full of endless possibilities, a journey that offers new experiences, relationships, and discoveries.
Here’s to Living Life and Living it Well. 🥂 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂


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